

Complete Guide to Polkadot and DOT Token: How do they work?

Overview One of the aspects in the blockchain ecosystem that has been less addressed is interoperability between networks. So far, we have analyzed networks that, even if they included Smart Contracts or DApps, operated in isolation, meaning they had no relationship with each other. However, there are some pioneering projects whose main goal is to […]

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Complete Guide to Litecoin and LTC Token: How do they work?

Overview Today, we will discuss a project that was born in 2011, not to compete with Bitcoin but to complement it. We are talking about Litecoin, the recognized heir to Bitcoin that aims to address the issues attributed to it. The similarity between both cryptocurrencies is such that Litecoin was born as a fork of […]

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Complete guide to Cardano and ADA: How do they work?

In today’s post, we’re going to talk about Cardano and the cryptocurrency it operates on, which is ADA. Cardano is considered by its founders as the first third-generation blockchain. Bitcoin would be the best representative of the first generation, as it is limited to allowing simple transactions. With the introduction of Smart Contracts, Ethereum took […]

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Complete Guide to Ethereum and ETH: How do they Work?

Can you imagine a world where all applications are supported by the same technology? And what if that technology allowed for quick and secure payments to any part of the world? That would be fantastic, right? In the case that this technology wasn’t directed by any entity or government but was 100% decentralized, it would […]

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