About myself

about me

Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments.

Leon Louw, nominated to the Peace Nobel Prize

Hi there! My name is Alejandro Gómez, and once we have come to this part of the blog, I would like to talk you a little bit about myself. I work in the finance industry, and some years ago I started with cryptocurrencies. At the begining, it was not clear for me what they were or what they were used to, same for you I guess.

However, eventually I discovered that they are easier to understand that I thought, so I challengued myself to share this knowledge with the world. Since then, I have been working on this blog, so it becomes as usefull and didactic as possible. Everyone should be able to enjoy the reading. For me it has been a great adventure which is far from finishing.

I do not consider myself an expert on the topic, but an amateur with certain knowledge. My goal is to explain well enough so that any reader can have the basics about cryptocurrencies and their technology. Additionally, the link with the finance industry keeps growing, which is even more interesting if you work there. Overall, I want to keep researching and learning, trying to stay neutral in the discussions. This is a very relevant change which could revolutionize the industry and the society in the following years.

Regarding the discussions around the cryptocurrencies, I rather to stay apart. The content of the blog will allow you to know and understand all the sides, so you can choose freely where to stand. The technical content is just the minimum, hopefully is enoughly well explained.

Not much more from my side, I just hope you will enjoy the reading as much as I will do the writing, and please do not forget about the “Contact” section for any question/comment/suggestion you may have. I will be very pleased of hearing you. Happy crypto-reading!


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